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Outcomes of International Economic Forum "Dangara-2017".

17-10-2017, 16:03

October 13, 2017 with the participation of Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, heads of ministries and departments, the executive authority of Khatlon region, international organizations, the diplomatic corps, as well as over 250 foreign and domestic investors in Dangara city was held International Economic Forum "Dangara-2017".

The purpose of such forums is to create favorable conditions for dialogue and familiarization, to expand cooperation and establish relations between representatives of government stakeholders, the private sector in the regions and foreign investors, and to develop proposals for improving the regulatory framework for the regions to eliminate existing shortcomings.
Within the framework of forum, the participants visited the Free Economic Zone "Dangara" also participated on opening ceremony of the subject of FEZ "Dangara" LLC "Lolazor-88" enterprise for the production of industrial goods.
At the end of the forum, were signed agreements on the construction of a cement factory in Jomi region and a university campus in the Khatlon region.

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