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Working visit of representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade to the city of Kulob

2-05-2019, 16:49

On May 1, 2019 in executive body of the government of the city of Kulob by the representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade was organized the seminar on the subject "Free Economic Zones of the Republic of Tajikistan". This seminar was attended  more than 40 local investors and representatives of the Executive authority of the city of Kulob. The purpose of this seminar is to provide information to residents and investors of the city of Kulob about the opportunities and benefits provided in the free economic zone.  At the same time, within the trip to the city of Kulob representatives of the ministry visited the area of again formed free economic zone Kulob.

It should be noted that the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan dated March 1, 2019 № 98 in the city of Kulob Khatlon region on the territory of 309 hectares of land was created free economic zone "Kulob" industrial-innovative type.

The main objective of the creation of the Kulob free economic zone is the implementation of the fourth strategic goal– the industrialization of the country, as well as providing favorable conditions for economic development, including the attraction of foreign and domestic investments, the development of modern enterprises and the creation of jobs in the city of Kulob.  

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