Signing of cooperation agreement FEZ "Dangara" and "Sughd" with the Moscow Center for Structural Transformations of Industry
On 20 June 2017, in the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade hosted an event on the creation of infrastructure for the implementation of high-tech projects.
As a result of the meeting, a number of agreements were signed between the Administration of FEZ "Sughd" Administration of FEZ "Dangara" and the Moscow Center for Structural Transformation of Industry. The subject of the agreement was the joint activities of the parties with a view to implementing innovation policy, including creation of infrastructure for the implementation of high-tech projects.
It should be noted that the Moscow Center for Structural Transformation of Industry was established in 1994 by the Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship of the City of Moscow. Since 2016, the main objective of the Center has been to promote the development of the technology parks in Moscow, their foreign economic relations with foreign partners, as well as the entry of Moscow enterprises into international markets.