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Beginning of construction of three large industrial companies in FEZ "Dangara"

24-04-2015, 22:46

Dangara district President of the country Emomali Rahmon visited the free economic zone "Dangara", located in the rural jamoat Lochur, first laid the main stone and capsule with a message to future generations in the construction of three large industrial enterprises.

It was noted that 3 enterprises will be built for more than 1 billion 600 million somoni of joint investments by entrepreneurs of Tajikistan and China. Here, in particular, a cement plant, glass and tile factories will be built.

Only in the period of construction of these enterprises about 1200 domestic builders will be provided with temporary work. After the launch of these enterprises, nearly 2,000 Tajik citizens will be provided with permanent jobs. The annual production capacity of the plant will be 1.6 million tons of cement, the enterprise for the production of tiles - 3 million m2 of tiles and a glass plant - almost 2 million tons of products. Such a production capacity, especially in the cement production sector, taking into account the capabilities of other cement plants, will allow Tajikistan to turn from an importing country into an exporting one.

All three enterprises will be built in the next 18 months.

FEZ "Dangara" was established in 2009 on an area of 521 hectares in the vast territory of Lohura.

The geographic location of the zone is very convenient for expanding the production of industrial products, because it is located on the international road and rail routes.

Now the construction of an oil refinery worth 3.5 billion somoni, a plant for the manufacture of metal structures for the amount of more than 125 million somoni and a salt processing plant for the amount of 12.5 million somoni have been started on the territory of the FEZ.

In the Dangara FEZ, the Head of State Emomali Rahmon held a meeting with the leadership, activists and entrepreneurs of the Khatlon region. The President of the country, first of all, congratulated all of them with the start of construction of three large facilities and wished success to all the builders and investors of these enterprises.

The head of state Emomali Rahmon, recalling the great opportunities of Khatlon region, called on her hardworking residents, especially entrepreneurs, to further increase agricultural and industrial production, as well as to efficient and rational use of vast land and abundant water, to increase the production of export fruits and vegetables, to create New manufacturing enterprises and additional jobs.

There was expressed confidence that the creative inhabitants of Khatlon region, including the Dangara district, will continue to play an important role and will make a worthy contribution to providing prosperity to the internal.

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