СЭЗ РТ - Зоны стабильных инвестиций
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Migration policy

20-04-2017, 22:38

The FEZ subject has the right to attract labor from abroad in managerial and technical positions, meanwhile the number of employees – foreign citizens shall not exceed 20 percent of the total number of employees.

On FEZ territory there are simplified regime of entry and departure of foreign citizens established by the Ministry of economic development and trade (as the state authorized body on management of FEZ) in coordination with the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan that includes:

  • 50 percent reduction in the amount of consular fees;

  • Reduction of terms of consideration of documents on issuing entry and exit visas;

  • The practice of issuing entry visas for foreign citizens to work in FEZ, upon their arrival to the Republic of Tajikistan.

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