СЭЗ РТ - Зоны стабильных инвестиций
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The rights and guarantees to subject

20-04-2017, 22:39

FEZ subjects – foreign and domestic investors, providing cash and material contributions in the field of economic and other activities of the free economic zone may:

  • create joint organizations with foreign and domestic investors;

  • to carry out economic activities on the basis of agreements, easily choose partner, agreement subject, define -liabilities, and also any other conditions of economic relations;

  • independently carry out foreign economic activity, to make barter (barter) and Agency operations, and also reinvestments in free economic zone, if the nature of these operations does not contradict the legislation and does not threaten the economic security of the Republic of Tajikistan;

  • get without limitations credits from foreign banks, companies and organizations; attract foreign insurance companies for signing all kinds of insurance deals;

  • to carry out the free economic zone and any investments not prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan;

  • to use the land areas on the basis of agreement on the urgent rental, of property, property rights and assignment of rights to use by mutual agreement of the signatories to the lease, or their successors, as well as other property and non-property rights;

  • hire foreign citizens and citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan on a contractual basis;

  • to perform any other activity not prohibited by the current legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan

  • to possess, use and dispose of the results of their investments, including reinvestment and trading operations in the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan;

  • take profits or part of their own production or bought in the market;

  • to transport abroad, after payment of the provided obligatory payments, amounts in foreign currency received as profits, as well as in connection with the sale of all of the shares in the Charter capital of organizations with foreign investments, withdrawal from or liquidation of the organization;

  • the right to transfer, transmission, mortgage and termination of their investment in the FEZ.

In the FEZ are guaranteed (in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan and international law):

  • Legal protection of investments;

  • Protecting author's rights of FEZ subjects;

  • Legal regime equality of foreign and domestic investment;

  • Preventing any discrimination of organizations with foreign investments.

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