СЭЗ РТ - Зоны стабильных инвестиций
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To subject

Migration policy 20-04-2017, 22:38

The FEZ subject has the right to attract labor from abroad in managerial and technical positions, meanwhile the number of employees – foreign citizens shall not exceed 20 percent of the total number of employees.

The rights and guarantees to subject 20-04-2017, 22:39

FEZ subjects – foreign and domestic investors, providing cash and material contributions in the field of economic and other activities of the free economic zone may

Administration Services 20-04-2017, 22:40

The administration of FEZ assists at all stages of implementation projects of subjects.

Become the subject of FEZ 20-04-2017, 22:41

The subject of FEZ can be individual entrepreneurs, organizations, regardless of the organizational and legal forms provided for by Tajik law, as well as branches and their representative offices that have passed state registration.

Production of goods in FEZ 20-04-2017, 22:43

The main objective of this special economic zone is the creation of enterprises using the most modern technologies in the production of products in the field of engineering, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, and the construction industry.

Как Вы оцениваете развитие СЭЗ в Республике Таджикистан?