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Commissioning of industrial enterprises in the Dangara FEZ 30-04-2022, 14:49

  Enterprises for the production of roofing and bitumen materials, as well as the production and packaging of automotive motor oils with the participation of investors from the Islamic Republic of Iran were put into operation in the Dangara Free Economic Zone. The volume of investments of

Expansion of cooperation between the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Belarus 20-04-2022, 10:19

On April 20, 2022, the Minister of Economic Development and Trade Zavqizoda Zavqi Amin met with the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus to the Republic of Tajikistan Viktor Alexandrovich Denisenko, within the framework of which the expansion of

Meeting of the Supervisory Board on Free Economic Zones in the Republic of Tajikistan 15-04-2022, 08:52

In order to implement the instructions and recommendations of the Founder of Peace and National Unity - the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, H.E. Emomali Rahmon and the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, on April 15, 2022, a regular meeting of the

In the FEZ of Tajikistan want to create joint ventures with organizations Saint Petersburg 16-04-2021, 16:02

Russia is one of the main strategic partners of the Republic of Tajikistan, and in 2020 the trade turnover between the two countries amounted to 973.6 million US dollars. This point was mentioned during the meeting of the Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade Abdurahmon Abdurahmonzoda

Opening of 4 new enterprises in Dangara Free Economic Zone April 14, 2021 in Dangara 16-04-2021, 08:26

In April 14, 2021 in Dangara Free Economic Zone to implement the instructions of the Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with the participation of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan Qohir Rasulzoda, HR

Activity of free economic zones of the Republic of Tajikistan in 3 months of 2021 year 15-04-2021, 11:59

In the first 3 months of 2021 in free economic zones of the country only one domestic company was registered as a subject. The total number of subjects of free economic zones is only 73 units. In the first 3 months of 2021 created 115 new jobs in free economic zones of the country, the total

Activity of free economic zones of the Republic of Tajikistan in 2021 year 9-03-2021, 16:44

 For today, 72 domestic and foreign companies have been registered as subjects of the FEZ.   At the same time, 1091 people work in the FEZ of the Republic of Tajikistan. Of the total number of employees 350 relate to the FEZ «Dangara», 668 to FEZ «Sughd», 34 to FEZ «Panj», 20 to FEZ

Activity of free economic zones of the Republic of Tajikistan 28-01-2020, 09:28

   For today, 75 domestic and foreign companies have been registered as subjects of the FEZ.  At the same time, 1046 people work in the FEZ of the Republic of Tajikistan. Of the total number of employees, 407 relate to the FEZ «Dangara», 599 FEZ «Sughd», 52 FEZ «Panj»,  and 14

Economic Forum of free economic zones in the Republic of Tajikistan on 11-10-2019, 09:54

On October 11, 2019, the economic Forum of free economic zones in the Republic of Tajikistan on the theme "Prospects for development"concluded its work under the chairmanship of Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan Azim Ibrohim in the city of Kulyab, Khatlon region. This Forum was

Round table 27-09-2019, 11:37

On September 7 this year, at the hotel"Serena" in Dushanbe, at the initiative of the Ministry of economic development and trade of the Republic of Tajikistan, a round table was held for representatives of state structures and subjects of free economic zones on the theme "Problems and prospects of

Training for representatives of FEZ 7-08-2019, 15:05

On August 7, 2019, in the Garmchashma sanatorium of Ishkashim district, on the part of representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade with the support of the United Nations Development Program in Tajikistan, was held a training on the topic "FEZ and attracting investments" This

International investment Forum “Pamirinvest-2019” 6-08-2019, 15:38

On August 6, 2019, within the framework of the «Pamirinvest-2019» International Investment Forum, under the chairmanship of the head of the Main Department for Investment Policy and Regional Development Nasredinova Rukhshona a panel on the topic: “Free economic zones as a factor in accelerating the

Journalists visit (Press tour) to the FEZ Dangara 23-07-2019, 14:45

By the initiative of the leadership of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade on July 23, 2019 with the participation of a wide range of domestic and foreign media (television companies "Tajikistan", "Safina", "Jahonnamo" Reuters News Agency, NIAT "Khovar" and Iktisodchi magazine) took

Journalists visit (Press tour) to the FEZ Sughd 18-07-2019, 14:20

By the initiative of the leadership of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade on July 23, 2019 with the participation of a wide range of domestic and foreign media (television companies "Tajikistan", "Safina", "Jahonnamo", NIAT "Khovar" and Iktisodchi magazine) took place Press tour to

Working trip of investors of the Republic of Korea to the Free economic zone 18-07-2019, 10:33

15 July 2019, the group of investors of the Republic of Korea has carried out a working trip with the purpose of acquaintance with the activities of the Free economic zone "Dangara". As part of the working trip, a group of investors of the Republic of Korea got acquainted with the activities of the

Working visit of representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade to the city of Kulob 2-05-2019, 16:49

On May 1, 2019 in executive body of the government of the city of Kulob by the representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade was organized the seminar on the subject "Free Economic Zones of the Republic of Tajikistan". This seminar was attended  more than 40 local investors

Activity of free economic zones of the Republic of Tajikistan 25-01-2019, 15:59

For today, 71 domestic and foreign companies havebeen registered as subjects of the FEZ.   At the same time, 1046 people work in the FEZ ofthe Republic of Tajikistan. Of the total number of employees, 456 relate to theFEZ «Dangara», 519 to the FEZ «Sughd», 49 to the FEZ «Panj»,  and 22 to

Working trip to Khujand city of Sughd Region 29-10-2018, 11:28

While on a working trip to Khujand city, the Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon visited Sughd free economic zone (Sughd FEZ) and attended the inauguration of the Ariana Metal Plast enterprise, which manufactures

Outcomes of International Economic Forum 11-10-2018, 17:21

  11 October 2018 in the Sughd region in Khujand city was held the international Economic Forum "Sughd–2018" on the theme "10 years of sustainable development".           The purpose of such forums is to create favorable conditions for dialogue and familiarization,

International Economic Forum “Sughd -2018” 3-10-2018, 10:02

  The Ministry of economic development and trade of the Republic of Tajikistan, Administration of Sughd free economic zone and international development partners in the honor of 10th anniversary of the creation of free economic zones in Tajikistan jointly organize an International Economic

Working trip to the free economic zones of the Republic of Belarus 2-07-2018, 11:32

  The delegation of the Republic of Tajikistan headed by executives of administrations of free economic zones of the country from 18 to 24 June this year visited the free economic zones of the Republic of Belarus in Minsk and was acquainted with the course of their functioning and

Working visit to Khujand city 28-06-2018, 11:24

While ona working trip to Khujand city, the Founder of Peace and National Unity -Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmonvisited Sughd free economic zone (Sughd FEZ) and opened a new Tajik-Turkishjoint venture "Archa-mebel" on the basis of “Archa" Ltd in thefree

New subject of the free economic zone 19-02-2018, 17:08

In the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan, in Commission for review of business plans was registered a new subject of the free economic zone "Ishkoshim" on February 12.  

Outcomes of International Economic Forum 17-10-2017, 16:03

  October 13, 2017 with the participation of Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, heads of ministries and departments, the executive authority of Khatlon region, international organizations, the diplomatic corps, as well as over 250 foreign and domestic investors in Dangara city was held

International Economic Forum 5-10-2017, 11:12

  The Ministry of economic development and trade of the Republic of Tajikistan in cooperation with development partners delighted to announce that on 13 October 2017 intended to hold an International Economic Forum "Dangara-2017" in the city of Dangara of Khatlon region.

Meeting of Umed Davlatzod with the editor of the United Arab Emirates journal 24-08-2017, 12:20

 23.08.2017. in Ministry of economic development and trade was held a meeting of Deputy Minister - Umed Davlatzod with the General Manager of the authoritative magazine "Finance and Bussiness" of the United Arab Emirates Faisal Abu Musa. During the visit, the sides exchanged views on issues of

Acquaintance with the activities of enterprises and the course of construction work in the Free Economic Zone 22-08-2017, 09:09

  The President of the country Emomali Rahmon continuing his working trip to Jayhun district took part in the ceremony of the commissioning of the new border observation point “Somon”, which is considered subordinate to the Border troop “Panj”. Leader of the Nation as part of his trip got

Visit of South Korean companies to the FEZ «Panj» 27-07-2017, 17:57

26.07.2017, was held a working visit of representatives of companies of South Korea to Khatlon region. During the visit the representatives of South Korean companies got acquainted with the activities of the free economic zone "Panj", and then visited Jayhun district of Khatlon region. Also, during

Visit of trade delegation from USA companies to the free economic zone of 13-07-2017, 15:35

13.07.2017. Trade delegation from USA under the guidance of the Trade Council of U.S.-Tajikistan with the assistance of the government of Tajikistan visited the free economic zone of "Dangara". During the visit the guests were informed about the possibilities and preferences of free economic zones

Meeting of Minister - N. Hikmatullozoda  with the chief Director of research Foundation of South Korea 13-07-2017, 10:44

In Ministry of economic development and trade was held a meeting of Minister - N. Hikmatullozoda with the chief Director of research Foundation of South Korea "Sooam biotech research Foundation" Dr. Huang Woo-Suk. During the meeting the sides discussed the economic-technological,

Meeting of the United Council of entrepreneurs of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan 10-07-2017, 13:46

Within the framework of the official visit of Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan hosted the meeting of the United Council of entrepreneurs of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan under the leadership of Minister of economic development and trade of the

Meeting Minister of economic development and trade with the Executive Director of refinery 6-07-2017, 10:04

Meeting Minister of economic development and trade with the Executive Director of refinery "TK-OiL" 03.07.2017 in the Ministry of economic development and trade of the Republic of Tajikistan was held a meeting of Minister -N. Hikmatullozoda with the Executive Director of refinery "TK-OiL" Mr. Syau.

Signing of cooperation agreement FEZ 22-06-2017, 10:19

 Signing of cooperation agreement FEZ "Dangara" and "Sughd" with the Moscow Center for Structural Transformations of Industry   http://fez.tj/uploads/posts/2017-06/1498108744_soglashenie-o-sotrudnichestve.jpg

Meeting of the Board of the Ministry dedicated to the issues of the development of free economic zones in the country 6-06-2017, 14:30

31 may 2017 in the Ministry of economic development and trade, helded by minister Nematullo Hikmatullohzoda the regular meeting of the Board of the Ministry which was dedicated to the issues of the development of free economic zones in the country.

Working visit of First Deputy Prime Minister Davlatali Said to FEZ 1-06-2017, 09:46

During the working visit to the FEZ «Dangara» which was helded on May 27, 2017, First Deputy Prime Minister- Head of the Supervisory Board of Free Economic Zones- Davlatali Said, acquainted with the preparations for the opening of two huge companies JSC «TK-Oil» (Oil-refinery ) and JSC «Dupek»

Two new companies were registered as a subject of the free economic zone 29-05-2017, 10:55

26.05.2017 in the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan, in Commission for review of business plans were registered two new companies as a subject of the free economic zone "Panj".

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